Postpress (B53622) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Investment in Securities |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Architecture of Computer Systems |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Visual Communication |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Design of Graphic Products |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Type and Typography |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Graphic Communication |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Forest lands. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Geotechnics |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Botany I (OŠ13BOT1) |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Integration and Regionalization of the World Economy |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Quantitative Finance |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Rock and soil mechanics |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Medicinal plants |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Methodology of biology teaching II |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Pedagogical resocialization (PR-15) |
Faculty of Philosophy |
Pedagogy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mineral Resources Processing (R1PMS) |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Company Valuation |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Pedagogy (12SPED) |
Faculty of Philology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mineralogy with petrology |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Operation and maintenance |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Master academic studies |
Informatika 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Project Management |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Electrochemical engineering |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Industrial microbiology |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Testing and quality of software |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Road management |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Printing Techniques (B53522) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Participatory democracy in local self-government (MLS-5) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Comparative political systems (PN20-16) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Parlamentarizam |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Pravni sistemi (PN20-29) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
European Administration |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Human Resource Management |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Organizaciono ponašanje (S20-48) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Road design |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Analiza medija |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Analytical urban design |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Concepts and principles of sustainability and resilience of the built environmen |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Team project |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Plates and shells |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Notarial Law |
Faculty of Law |
Master academic studies |
Religija i etnicitet (DSDN-S-6) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Civil Law Contracts (obligation, inheritance and marriage) |
Faculty of Law |
Master academic studies |
Structural Statics 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
General concept of EE and EM through the prism of EU and national regulations |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Studio project 5 - Urban districts |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Modularna koordinacija i kompozicija |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Web writing |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Design Studio 9-Hybrid architecture |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Advanced Web Design (M41007) |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Politički odnosi balkanskih zemalja |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Komunikološke teorije (MN-2) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Internet i nove medijske tehnologije |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Contemporary demographic processes and social policy |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Teorije i modeli psihosocijalnog rada (SR20-48) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Kreativne tehnike u socijalnom radu (SR20-50) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Teorije socijalnog rada (SR-24) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Forest phytopathology |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Forest health monitoring |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Javne politike (MP-1) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mineral Processing Plant Design (R1PPMS18) |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Energy efficient and environmentally friendly building materials |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Sociologija religije (S20-16) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Javne politike (MP-1) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Teorijski pristupi u studijama medija (DSDN-SM-2) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Međunarodno javno pravo |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Fundamentals of geophysics |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Wood protection |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Business Informatics |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Industrial Design |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Optimization of Construction of Underground Production Systems |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Engineering Ethics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Design and Supervision |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Structural Dynamics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Water Quality |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Pavement structures |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Strength of materials 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Investment management |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Geodesy |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
River engineering |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Energy-efficient and sustainable construction |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Architectural model |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Arhitektonsko projektovanje 11 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Interventions on historic buildings |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Architecture design in the Real context |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Irrigation |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Statistika u sociološkim istraživanjima (S-51) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Social demography |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mine Drainage |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Historical geology |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Modeling of structures |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Engineering rock mechanics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Concrete structures of engineering structures |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Prestressed concrete structures |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Groundwater hydraulics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Hydropower engineering |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Application of GIS in traffic |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Roads and geotechnical problems |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Urban rail systems |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Modern journalism |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Assembly and overhaul technologies in the energy sector |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Master academic studies |
English Language 2 (N20-11) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Osnove prava |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
International relations |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Uvod u političke nauke |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Political culture and political anthropology |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Biomedical Informatics |
Faculty of Medicine |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mediji i globalizacija (MN-7) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Teorija globalizacije (MS-15) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Stationary traffic |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Savremene teorije i terapijski modeli u socijalnom radu (MSR-2) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Systems of informing |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Medijski sistemi |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Building Physics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Railway design |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Structural Engineering 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Information systems |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive policies and practices in social work |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Theoretical basis of conflict and mediation (MSRM-2) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Architecture today |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Population geography |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Demographic analysis |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Socio-geographical basis of tourism 1 |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Radio journalism |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Technical diagnostics in energetics |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Master academic studies |
Politički odnosi balkanskih zemalja |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Urbanisation in Western Balkan countries |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Web Design (B54821) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Graphic Standards (B54822) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Politički odnosi u Bosni i Hercegovini |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Parametric design |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Sociologija društvenih promjena (S20-9) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Pedagogy (09NJPED) |
Faculty of Philology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Krizni menadžment u socijalnoj politici (MSP-6) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Informatika 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Textile Printing (M41002) |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Traffic Infrastructure and Spatial Planning |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Preventive Protection in Mining |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Agglomeration of the products in mineral processing |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Geodesy in spatial planning and urbanism |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Sociological theory II |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociology of sport |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociologija kulture i umjetnosti (S20-22) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Gender Studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Personality Rights |
Faculty of Law |
Doctoral studies |
Religija i politika (PN20-30) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Uvod u sociologiju |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Teorija globalizacije (MP-3) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Road maintenance |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Međunarodno komuniciranje (MK-3) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Real Estate Cadastre 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Političko komuniciranje (MK-4) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Djeca i porodični odnosi |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Socijalni rad sa djecom i porodicom (SR20-13) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Socijalna politika (PN20-4) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociologija sela (OAE07SS) |
Faculty of Agriculture |
Bachelor academic studies |
Graphic Packaging (B54721) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Project management |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Applied Geodesy in Architecture |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mathematics in Architecture 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Osnove prava |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociology of Entrepreneurship |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Uvod u savjetovanje (SR20-26) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Graphic Design of Computer Games (M41008) |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
EU Law |
Faculty of Law |
Law |
Bachelor academic studies |
Human Resource Management |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Strateški finansijski menadžment |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Rural development |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Methodology of biology teaching |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
The Foundations of European Union |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Islamska društvenopolitička misao (PN20-36) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Practical teaching in geodesy and engineering geodesy |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Law of Obligations |
Faculty of Law |
Law |
Bachelor academic studies |
Administrative procedure and administrative dispute |
Faculty of Law |
Law |
Bachelor academic studies |
Arhitektonsko projektovanje 13 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Quality Control in Meat Technology- |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
The European Union and the Western Balkans (PN20-63) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Uvod u sociologiju |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Teorijske osnove socijalnog rada u zjednici (SR20-27) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Teorije medija (N20-51) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Family Law |
Faculty of Law |
Law |
Bachelor academic studies |
Finte element method - advanced course |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Stability of structures |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Irrigation and drainage engineering |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Technology of Meat Poultry |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Javne politike (MP-1) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Methodology of Urban Research |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Methods of Underground Exploiatation |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Architectural Constructions 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Social Work with People with Disability |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Social Work in Schools |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Engineering mechanics and strength of materials |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Structural Engineering 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Infrastructure Planning |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Substructure of traffic infrastructure |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mineral processing of metallic and non-metallic mineral raw materials |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Management Systems of Labour Safety |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Land degradation. |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Strength of materials 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Civil Engineering Legislation |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Drainage systems |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Food analysis |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mineral Resources Processing (G1PMS) |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Basics of Architectural Construction and Materialization |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Colour Science (B34726) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Regulation of spatial planning and construction |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Techniques for digital representation 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Basics of Mineral Deposits Exploitation |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Socio-geographical researches in rural areas |
Faculty of Agriculture |
Master academic studies |
Graphic Systems (B53623) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
E-Business in Tourism |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Quantitative Finance |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Settlement geography |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Ready Meals of Modified Nutrition Quality |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Selected chapters from operating systems |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociologija urbanog prostora (MS-16) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Real Estate Cadastre 3 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Methods of GNSS positioning |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Social Work with Children with developmental challenges |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Media literacy |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Uvod u političke nauke |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Non-verbal communication |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Digital media and children |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Digital information systems |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Digitalna kultura (S20-61) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociologija društvenih promjena (N20-70) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociology of Organisation |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Socijalna politika (SR20-2) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Media regulations |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Investment Law |
Faculty of Law |
Doctoral studies |
Contemporary journalism |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Informatika 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Political System of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Elections and electoral systems (PN20-51) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociology of risk |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
English Language 1 (S20-5) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Social and cultural antropology |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Structural Statics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Satellite Geodesy |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Urban technique and composition |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sustainability and resilience of infrastructure systems |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
European Regionalism (MLS-4) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Architecture of Industrial Heritage |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Survey and cadastre design |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Integrated water resources management |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Engineering rock mechanics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Osnove komunikologije (S20-4) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mobile computing |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Design of internet information systems |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
The EU political system and institutions - (PN20-53) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Architecture and art of the Middle Ages |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Diplomatija (MM-1) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Probability and Statistics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Literary narration in new media |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Dizajn konstrukcija velikih raspona |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Engineering Economics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Nutritional Quality of Meat Products |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Railways superstructure |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Komuniciranje sa javnostima (MK-7) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Systems of informing |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Osnove komunikologije |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Common foreign policy of the European Union (PN20-60) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
English Language 2 (N20-11) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Statistika u sociološkim istraživanjima - zaključivanje (S20-14) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Religije svijeta (S20-17) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Uvod u političke nauke |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Public relations in new media |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociological theory I |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Uvod u teorije socijalnog rada (SR1-12) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Family Law |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
English Language 2 (N20-11) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
English Language 1 (SR20-5) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Railway maintenance |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Teorija i modeli odnosa s javnošću (DSDN-SM-9) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Production and Quality of Traditional Food |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Process design in the chemical industry |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Technology of Oils and Fats |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
E-Business |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Architecture of computer systems |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Oblici državnog uređenja |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Internatonal Law |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Professional Practice (B54723) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Conservation technologies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Theoretical Geodesy |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Policies in a globalized world |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Uvod u novinarstvo |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Political System of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Digitalna kultura (S20-61) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mineral Resources Processing (R1PMS18) |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Construction of Underground Roadways |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Foundation work |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Contemporary journalism and public discourse |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Continuum mechanics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Doctoral studies |
Nonlinear analysis of structures |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Doctoral studies |
Isogeometric analysis of structures |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Doctoral studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Tranzicija i društveno rasloojavanje (MS-6) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Optimization of Construction of Underground Production Systems |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Traffic infrastructure and environment |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Urban geography |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Teorije komuniciranja |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Stylistics and speech culture |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Media regulations |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sustainable land management and global trends |
Faculty of Forestry |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Politički menadžment (MP-4) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Stylistics and speech culture |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Basics of geology |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Regenerative design |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Maintenance of technical means |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Maintenance |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Stres, trauma i kriza (MSRM-7) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Public administration and European integration (MJU-4) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Rural planning |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Descriptive geometry and Technical drawing |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Synthetic Polymer Materials |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Ready Meals Technology |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Optimization of Methods Excavation Parameters of the Bedded and Non-beddded Depo |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Contemporary trends in meat processing technology |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Reproduction Technology (B53521) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mine Surveying |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Structural Statics 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Basics of maintenance theory |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Study research work in food engineering (M12020) |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Mine Ventilation |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Anatomy of plants |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Morphology of plants |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Roads |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Urban traffic infrastructure |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Metodologija projektovanja komercijalnih objekata |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociology of organisation |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Osnove prava |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Social work and social policy in modern society (DSDN-SR-2) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Business Informatics |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Digitalna kultura (S20-61) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mentalno zdravlje i socijalni rad (SR20-39) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Developmental psychology |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Physics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Informatika 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Geological mapping |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Administrative Law (general and special part) |
Faculty of Law |
Law |
Bachelor academic studies |
Planted forests |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Company Valuation |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Social Work and Risks in Life Perspective |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Maintenance of technical means |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Master academic studies |
Design in Underground Exploitation |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mining exploitation impact on the environment |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Pedagogy (12RPED) |
Faculty of Philology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Green space design |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Urban planning |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Teorije medija (N20-81) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociology of work |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Conflict resolution in social work (SR20-19) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Uvod u sociologiju |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Advocacy in Social Work |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Social pedagogy (SR20-9) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mine Surveying |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Hidrologija |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Design and construction on seismic impacts |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Underground buildings and tunnels |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Intersections |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Studio project 2 - Context |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Rulp and Paper Technology |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Meat and Milk Traditional Products |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Public administration |
Faculty of Law |
Law |
Bachelor academic studies |
Weeds in Forestry (OŠ13KORO) |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Quality Control of Ready Meal |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Petrochemistry |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
E-Business |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Programming |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Vještine komuniciranja |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Selected chapters from operating systems |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Master academic studies |
Real time operating systems |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
European Administrative Space (MJU-5) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Descriptive Geometry |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Multimedia journalism |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Prevention of conflict and peer violence at school (MSRM-6) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Nonviolent Group Communication (MSRM-8) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Integral forest protection |
Faculty of Forestry |
Master academic studies |
Mathematics in architecture 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Basics of geology |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
NEORGANSKA HEMIJA (Inorganic chemistry) |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Socijalna politika i savremene društvene promjene (MSP-2) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Mediji i informacija |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Hydraulic structures |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociologija kulture i umjetnosti (N20-23) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Introduction to Sociology |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Digital Media and Children |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Social Work with Groups |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Social Work with Individuals |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Adjustmant Computation |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Consumer protection |
Faculty of Law |
Master academic studies |
Blast and Mining |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Graphic Design |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Civil Engineering Physics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociology |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Technology of Meat and Meat Products |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Selected chapters in software engineering |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Master academic studies |
Selected chapters from the architecture of computer systems |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Master academic studies |
Models of demographic development |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Master academic studies |
Geographical aspects of rural development |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Machines and devices in mineral processing II |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Monitoring systems in rock mechanics |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Social geography |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Methodology of scientific work |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Morphology of plants |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Waste water chemistry and technology |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Economics of the European Union |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Opšta i primjenjena geologija |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Introduction to Computer Science 1 |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Mediji i društvo |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Introduction Mining (R1URUD) |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Bioremediation of waste materials |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Introduction to Graphic Technologies (B52322) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Digital Printingn (M41003) |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Population in spatial planning |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Rural geography |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Population dynamics |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Komunikološke teorije (MK-1) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Poslovno komuniciranje |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Forest ecoclimatology |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Geomechanics |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Forest entomology |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Forest protection |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Packaging Graphic Design (M41004) |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Stability of underground rooms and facilities |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Printing Forms |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Graphic Processes (B52421) |
Faculty of Technology |
Bachelor academic studies |
Corporate Finance |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Investment in Securities |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Methodology of ecology teaching |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Applied hydrology |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Organization of Construction Works |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Construction Systems |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Railways |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Finite Element Method |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Technology of Construction Works |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Diplomatic and consular law |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
Sociologija socijalne politike MS 3 |
Faculty of Political Science |
Master academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Tort Law |
Faculty of Law |
Doctoral studies |
Informaciono društvo i novi mediji |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Ancient Architecture and Art |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Religije svijeta (N20-17) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
English Language 1 (N20-5) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Public relations in new media |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Real estate cadastre 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Geosystems |
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Diagnostics and maintenance |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Industrial Product Design |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Graphic Products Design (M41006) |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Coal Preparation |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Humanisation of the Built Environment |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Arhitektonsko projektovanje 12 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Structural Engineering 3 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Revitalization of Architectural Heritage |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Soil mechanics |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Concrete structures 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Special administrative procedures |
Faculty of Law |
Law |
Bachelor academic studies |
Concentration methods |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Badsics of petrology |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Astrogeodetic methods |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Information Technologies and Systems in Cultural Tourism |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Osnove komunikologije (N20-1) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
--- |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
New Age Architecture and Art |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Basics of urbanism |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Architectural Constructions 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Techniques for digital representation 1 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Contemporary Architecture and Art |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Pedology |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Planted forests |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Hydraulic structures 2 |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Socijalni menadžment |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Spatial Design (M41009) |
Faculty of Technology |
Master academic studies |
Application of GIS in traffic |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |
Business Informatics |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Human Resource Management |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Sociology of identity |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Haulage and Hoist in Underground Exploitation |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Opšta hemija |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Medijski diskurs (N20-9) |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
Forest plantations |
Faculty of Forestry |
Master academic studies |
Engineering Graphics |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Botany II (OŠ13BOT") |
Faculty of Forestry |
Bachelor academic studies |
Quantitative Finance |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Mining Haulage |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Političke partije i interesne grupe |
Faculty of Political Science |
Bachelor academic studies |
E-Business |
Faculty of Economics |
Bachelor academic studies |
Medijska pismenost i medijska kultura |
Faculty of Political Science |
Doctoral studies |
Descriptive Geometry |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Bachelor academic studies |
Special Methods of Blasting and Demolition |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Surface Mining Methods |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Stress conditions in the rock massif during deposit excavation |
Faculty of Mining |
Master academic studies |
Matrimonial Property Law |
Faculty of Law |
Master academic studies |
Fundamentals of structural geology |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Corporate Finance |
Faculty of Economics |
Master academic studies |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Introduction to operating systems |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor academic studies |
Basics of Mineralogy |
Faculty of Mining |
Bachelor academic studies |
Elements of Energy Efficiency in Buildings. |
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Master academic studies |