
List of courses

Course title Faculty Study programme Type of study
Postpress (B53622) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Investment in Securities Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Architecture of Computer Systems Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Visual Communication Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Design of Graphic Products Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Type and Typography Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Graphic Communication Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Forest lands. Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Geotechnics Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Botany I (OŠ13BOT1) Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Integration and Regionalization of the World Economy Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Quantitative Finance Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Rock and soil mechanics Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Medicinal plants Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Methodology of biology teaching II Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Pedagogical resocialization (PR-15) Faculty of Philosophy Pedagogy Bachelor academic studies
Mineral Resources Processing (R1PMS) Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Company Valuation Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Pedagogy (12SPED) Faculty of Philology Bachelor academic studies
Mineralogy with petrology Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Operation and maintenance Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Master academic studies
Informatika 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Project Management Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Electrochemical engineering Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
QUALITY CONTROL OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Industrial microbiology Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Testing and quality of software Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Road management Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Printing Techniques (B53522) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Participatory democracy in local self-government (MLS-5) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Comparative political systems (PN20-16) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Parlamentarizam Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Pravni sistemi (PN20-29) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
European Administration Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Human Resource Management Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Organizaciono ponašanje (S20-48) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Road design Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Analiza medija Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Analytical urban design Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Concepts and principles of sustainability and resilience of the built environmen Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Team project Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Plates and shells Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Notarial Law Faculty of Law Master academic studies
Religija i etnicitet (DSDN-S-6) Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Civil Law Contracts (obligation, inheritance and marriage) Faculty of Law Master academic studies
Structural Statics 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
General concept of EE and EM through the prism of EU and national regulations Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Studio project 5 - Urban districts Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Modularna koordinacija i kompozicija Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Web writing Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Design Studio 9-Hybrid architecture Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Advanced Web Design (M41007) Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Politički odnosi balkanskih zemalja Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Komunikološke teorije (MN-2) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Internet i nove medijske tehnologije Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Contemporary demographic processes and social policy Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Teorije i modeli psihosocijalnog rada (SR20-48) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Kreativne tehnike u socijalnom radu (SR20-50) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Teorije socijalnog rada (SR-24) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Forest phytopathology Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Forest health monitoring Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Javne politike (MP-1) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Mineral Processing Plant Design (R1PPMS18) Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Energy efficient and environmentally friendly building materials Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Sociologija religije (S20-16) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Javne politike (MP-1) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Teorijski pristupi u studijama medija (DSDN-SM-2) Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Međunarodno javno pravo Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Fundamentals of geophysics Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Wood protection Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Business Informatics Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Industrial Design Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Optimization of Construction of Underground Production Systems Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Engineering Ethics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Design and Supervision Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Structural Dynamics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Water Quality Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Pavement structures Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Strength of materials 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Investment management Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Geodesy Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
River engineering Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Energy-efficient and sustainable construction Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Architectural model Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Arhitektonsko projektovanje 11 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Interventions on historic buildings Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Architecture design in the Real context Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Irrigation Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Statistika u sociološkim istraživanjima (S-51) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Social demography Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Mine Drainage Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Historical geology Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Modeling of structures Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Engineering rock mechanics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
OPERATIONAL RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Concrete structures of engineering structures Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Prestressed concrete structures Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Groundwater hydraulics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Hydropower engineering Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Application of GIS in traffic Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Roads and geotechnical problems Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Urban rail systems Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Modern journalism Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Assembly and overhaul technologies in the energy sector Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Master academic studies
English Language 2 (N20-11) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Osnove prava Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
International relations Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Uvod u političke nauke Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Political culture and political anthropology Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Biomedical Informatics Faculty of Medicine Bachelor academic studies
Mediji i globalizacija (MN-7) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Teorija globalizacije (MS-15) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Stationary traffic Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Savremene teorije i terapijski modeli u socijalnom radu (MSR-2) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Systems of informing Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Medijski sistemi Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Building Physics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Railway design Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Structural Engineering 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Information systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive policies and practices in social work Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Theoretical basis of conflict and mediation (MSRM-2) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH WORK Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
DEVELOPMENT OF NEW FOOD PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Architecture today Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Population geography Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Demographic analysis Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Socio-geographical basis of tourism 1 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Radio journalism Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Technical diagnostics in energetics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Master academic studies
Politički odnosi balkanskih zemalja Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Urbanisation in Western Balkan countries Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Web Design (B54821) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Graphic Standards (B54822) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Politički odnosi u Bosni i Hercegovini Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Parametric design Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Sociologija društvenih promjena (S20-9) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Pedagogy (09NJPED) Faculty of Philology Bachelor academic studies
Krizni menadžment u socijalnoj politici (MSP-6) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Informatika 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Textile Printing (M41002) Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Traffic Infrastructure and Spatial Planning Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Preventive Protection in Mining Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Agglomeration of the products in mineral processing Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Geodesy in spatial planning and urbanism Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Sociological theory II Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociology of sport Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociologija kulture i umjetnosti (S20-22) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Gender Studies Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Personality Rights Faculty of Law Doctoral studies
Religija i politika (PN20-30) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
SRPSKA POLITIČKA MISAO Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Uvod u sociologiju Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Teorija globalizacije (MP-3) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Road maintenance Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Međunarodno komuniciranje (MK-3) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Real Estate Cadastre 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
POLITIKE SVAKODNEVNOG ŽIVOTA Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Političko komuniciranje (MK-4) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Djeca i porodični odnosi Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Socijalni rad sa djecom i porodicom (SR20-13) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Socijalna politika (PN20-4) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociologija sela (OAE07SS) Faculty of Agriculture Bachelor academic studies
Graphic Packaging (B54721) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
LEGISLATION AND FOOD QUALITY CONTROL Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Project management Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Applied Geodesy in Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Mathematics in Architecture 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Osnove prava Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociology of Entrepreneurship Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Uvod u savjetovanje (SR20-26) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Graphic Design of Computer Games (M41008) Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
EU Law Faculty of Law Law Bachelor academic studies
Human Resource Management Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Strateški finansijski menadžment Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Rural development Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Methodology of biology teaching Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
The Foundations of European Union Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Islamska društvenopolitička misao (PN20-36) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Practical teaching in geodesy and engineering geodesy Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Law of Obligations Faculty of Law Law Bachelor academic studies
Administrative procedure and administrative dispute Faculty of Law Law Bachelor academic studies
Arhitektonsko projektovanje 13 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
ENGINEERING IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Quality Control in Meat Technology- Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
The European Union and the Western Balkans (PN20-63) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Uvod u sociologiju Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Teorijske osnove socijalnog rada u zjednici (SR20-27) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Teorije medija (N20-51) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Family Law Faculty of Law Law Bachelor academic studies
Finte element method - advanced course Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Stability of structures Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Irrigation and drainage engineering Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Technology of Meat Poultry Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Javne politike (MP-1) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
FUNDAMENTALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Methodology of Urban Research Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Methods of Underground Exploiatation Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Architectural Constructions 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Social Work with People with Disability Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Social Work in Schools Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Engineering mechanics and strength of materials Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Structural Engineering 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Infrastructure Planning Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Substructure of traffic infrastructure Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Mineral processing of metallic and non-metallic mineral raw materials Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Management Systems of Labour Safety Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Land degradation. Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Strength of materials 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Civil Engineering Legislation Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Drainage systems Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
PACKAGING AND FOOD PACKING Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Food analysis Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Mineral Resources Processing (G1PMS) Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Basics of Architectural Construction and Materialization Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Colour Science (B34726) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
POLITIČKI KONFLIKTI Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Regulation of spatial planning and construction Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Techniques for digital representation 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Basics of Mineral Deposits Exploitation Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Socio-geographical researches in rural areas Faculty of Agriculture Master academic studies
Graphic Systems (B53623) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
E-Business in Tourism Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Quantitative Finance Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Settlement geography Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Ready Meals of Modified Nutrition Quality Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Selected chapters from operating systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Sociologija urbanog prostora (MS-16) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Real Estate Cadastre 3 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Methods of GNSS positioning Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Social Work with Children with developmental challenges Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Media literacy Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Uvod u političke nauke Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Non-verbal communication Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Digital media and children Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Digital information systems Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Digitalna kultura (S20-61) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociologija društvenih promjena (N20-70) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociology of Organisation Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Socijalna politika (SR20-2) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Media regulations Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Investment Law Faculty of Law Doctoral studies
Contemporary journalism Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Informatika 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Political System of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Elections and electoral systems (PN20-51) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociology of risk Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
English Language 1 (S20-5) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Social and cultural antropology Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
STUDIO PROJEKAT 4 - Ansambl Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Structural Statics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Satellite Geodesy Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Urban technique and composition Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Sustainability and resilience of infrastructure systems Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
European Regionalism (MLS-4) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Architecture of Industrial Heritage Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Survey and cadastre design Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Integrated water resources management Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Engineering rock mechanics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Osnove komunikologije (S20-4) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Mobile computing Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Design of internet information systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
The EU political system and institutions - (PN20-53) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Architecture and art of the Middle Ages Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Diplomatija (MM-1) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Probability and Statistics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Literary narration in new media Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Dizajn konstrukcija velikih raspona Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Engineering Economics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Nutritional Quality of Meat Products Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
BASICS OF BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
BASICS OF FOOD SENSORY EVALUATION Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Railways superstructure Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Komuniciranje sa javnostima (MK-7) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Systems of informing Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Osnove komunikologije Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
MEĐUNARODNO JAVNO PRAVO Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Common foreign policy of the European Union (PN20-60) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
English Language 2 (N20-11) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Statistika u sociološkim istraživanjima - zaključivanje (S20-14) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Religije svijeta (S20-17) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Uvod u političke nauke Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Public relations in new media Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociological theory I Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Uvod u teorije socijalnog rada (SR1-12) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Family Law Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
English Language 2 (N20-11) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
OSNOVE PRAVA Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
English Language 1 (SR20-5) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Railway maintenance Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Teorija i modeli odnosa s javnošću (DSDN-SM-9) Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Production and Quality of Traditional Food Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Process design in the chemical industry Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
SENSORY ANALYSIS OF FOOD Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Technology of Oils and Fats Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
E-Business Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Architecture of computer systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Oblici državnog uređenja Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Internatonal Law Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Professional Practice (B54723) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Conservation technologies Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Theoretical Geodesy Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Policies in a globalized world Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Uvod u novinarstvo Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Political System of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Digitalna kultura (S20-61) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Mineral Resources Processing (R1PMS18) Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Construction of Underground Roadways Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Foundation work Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Contemporary journalism and public discourse Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Continuum mechanics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Doctoral studies
Nonlinear analysis of structures Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Doctoral studies
Isogeometric analysis of structures Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Doctoral studies
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Tranzicija i društveno rasloojavanje (MS-6) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Optimization of Construction of Underground Production Systems Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Traffic infrastructure and environment Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Urban geography Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Teorije komuniciranja Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Stylistics and speech culture Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Media regulations Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sustainable land management and global trends Faculty of Forestry Master academic studies
Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Politički menadžment (MP-4) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Stylistics and speech culture Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Basics of geology Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Regenerative design Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Maintenance of technical means Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Maintenance Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Stres, trauma i kriza (MSRM-7) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Public administration and European integration (MJU-4) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Rural planning Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Descriptive geometry and Technical drawing Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Synthetic Polymer Materials Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Ready Meals Technology Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Optimization of Methods Excavation Parameters of the Bedded and Non-beddded Depo Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Contemporary trends in meat processing technology Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Reproduction Technology (B53521) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Mine Surveying Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Structural Statics 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Basics of maintenance theory Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Study research work in food engineering (M12020) Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Mine Ventilation Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Anatomy of plants Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Morphology of plants Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Roads Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Urban traffic infrastructure Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Metodologija projektovanja komercijalnih objekata Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Sociology of organisation Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Osnove prava Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Social work and social policy in modern society (DSDN-SR-2) Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Business Informatics Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Digitalna kultura (S20-61) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Mentalno zdravlje i socijalni rad (SR20-39) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Developmental psychology Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Physics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Informatika 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Geological mapping Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
DIPLOMATSKO - KONZULARNO PRAVO Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Administrative Law (general and special part) Faculty of Law Law Bachelor academic studies
Planted forests Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Company Valuation Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Social Work and Risks in Life Perspective Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Maintenance of technical means Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Master academic studies
Design in Underground Exploitation Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Mining exploitation impact on the environment Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Pedagogy (12RPED) Faculty of Philology Bachelor academic studies
Green space design Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Urban planning Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Teorije medija (N20-81) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Sociology of work Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Conflict resolution in social work (SR20-19) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Uvod u sociologiju Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Advocacy in Social Work Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Social pedagogy (SR20-9) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Mine Surveying Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Hidrologija Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Design and construction on seismic impacts Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Underground buildings and tunnels Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Intersections Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Studio project 2 - Context Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Rulp and Paper Technology Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Meat and Milk Traditional Products Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Public administration Faculty of Law Law Bachelor academic studies
Weeds in Forestry (OŠ13KORO) Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
QUALITY CONTROL OF WINE AND BEER Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Quality Control of Ready Meal Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
BASICS OF FOOD SENSORY EVALUATION Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Petrochemistry Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
FOOD ADDITIVES Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
PRIRODNI POLIMERNI MATERIJALI Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
E-Business Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Programming Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Vještine komuniciranja Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Selected chapters from operating systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering Master academic studies
Real time operating systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
European Administrative Space (MJU-5) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Descriptive Geometry Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Multimedia journalism Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Prevention of conflict and peer violence at school (MSRM-6) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Nonviolent Group Communication (MSRM-8) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Integral forest protection Faculty of Forestry Master academic studies
Mathematics in architecture 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Basics of geology Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
NEORGANSKA HEMIJA (Inorganic chemistry) Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Socijalna politika i savremene društvene promjene (MSP-2) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Mediji i informacija Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Hydraulic structures Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Sociologija kulture i umjetnosti (N20-23) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Introduction to Sociology Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Digital Media and Children Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Social Work with Groups Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Social Work with Individuals Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Adjustmant Computation Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Consumer protection Faculty of Law Master academic studies
Blast and Mining Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Graphic Design Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Civil Engineering Physics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Sociology Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
LEGISLATION AND FOOD QUALITY CONTROL Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Technology of Meat and Meat Products Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Selected chapters in software engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering Master academic studies
Selected chapters from the architecture of computer systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering Master academic studies
Models of demographic development Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Master academic studies
Geographical aspects of rural development Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Master academic studies
TECHNOLOGY OF MATERIALS Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Machines and devices in mineral processing II Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Monitoring systems in rock mechanics Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Social geography Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Methodology of scientific work Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Morphology of plants Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Waste water chemistry and technology Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Economics of the European Union Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Opšta i primjenjena geologija Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Introduction to Computer Science 1 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Mediji i društvo Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Introduction Mining (R1URUD) Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Bioremediation of waste materials Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
SOLID WASTE LANDFILLS Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Introduction to Graphic Technologies (B52322) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Digital Printingn (M41003) Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Population in spatial planning Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Rural geography Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Population dynamics Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Komunikološke teorije (MK-1) Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Poslovno komuniciranje Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Forest ecoclimatology Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Geomechanics Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Forest entomology Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Forest protection Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Packaging Graphic Design (M41004) Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Stability of underground rooms and facilities Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Printing Forms Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Graphic Processes (B52421) Faculty of Technology Bachelor academic studies
Corporate Finance Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Investment in Securities Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Methodology of ecology teaching Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Bachelor academic studies
Applied hydrology Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Organization of Construction Works Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Construction Systems Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Railways Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Finite Element Method Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Technology of Construction Works Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
OIL AND FAT TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Diplomatic and consular law Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
Sociologija socijalne politike MS 3 Faculty of Political Science Master academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Tort Law Faculty of Law Doctoral studies
Informaciono društvo i novi mediji Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Ancient Architecture and Art Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Religije svijeta (N20-17) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
English Language 1 (N20-5) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Public relations in new media Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Real estate cadastre 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Geosystems Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Master academic studies
Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
RECYCLING OF POLYMER MATERIALS Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
MEAT TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
TECHNOLOGY OF MEAT PRODUCTS Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Diagnostics and maintenance Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Industrial Product Design Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Graphic Products Design (M41006) Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Coal Preparation Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Humanisation of the Built Environment Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Arhitektonsko projektovanje 12 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Structural Engineering 3 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Revitalization of Architectural Heritage Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Soil mechanics Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Concrete structures 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Special administrative procedures Faculty of Law Law Bachelor academic studies
Concentration methods Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Badsics of petrology Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Astrogeodetic methods Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Information Technologies and Systems in Cultural Tourism Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Osnove komunikologije (N20-1) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
--- Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
New Age Architecture and Art Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Basics of urbanism Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Architectural Constructions 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Techniques for digital representation 1 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Contemporary Architecture and Art Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Pedology Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Planted forests Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Hydraulic structures 2 Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Socijalni menadžment Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Spatial Design (M41009) Faculty of Technology Master academic studies
Application of GIS in traffic Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies
Business Informatics Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Human Resource Management Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Sociology of identity Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Haulage and Hoist in Underground Exploitation Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Opšta hemija Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Medijski diskurs (N20-9) Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
Forest plantations Faculty of Forestry Master academic studies
Engineering Graphics Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Botany II (OŠ13BOT") Faculty of Forestry Bachelor academic studies
Quantitative Finance Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Mining Haulage Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Političke partije i interesne grupe Faculty of Political Science Bachelor academic studies
E-Business Faculty of Economics Bachelor academic studies
Medijska pismenost i medijska kultura Faculty of Political Science Doctoral studies
Descriptive Geometry Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bachelor academic studies
Special Methods of Blasting and Demolition Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Surface Mining Methods Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Stress conditions in the rock massif during deposit excavation Faculty of Mining Master academic studies
Matrimonial Property Law Faculty of Law Master academic studies
Fundamentals of structural geology Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Corporate Finance Faculty of Economics Master academic studies
Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Introduction to operating systems Faculty of Electrical Engineering Bachelor academic studies
Basics of Mineralogy Faculty of Mining Bachelor academic studies
Elements of Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Master academic studies