
1C13POS1029 - Social geography

Course specification
Type of study Bachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course title Social geography
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
1C13POS1029 elective 6 2L + 1E 5.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for taking the course. The condition for passing the final exam is passing the following exams: Demography, Rural Geography, Urban Geography. Passed exams.
Learning objectives
Acquisition of scientifically based knowledge about social geospace, spatial organization and spatial manifestation of social processes as a consequence of the way of action and organization of social groups. Observing the cause-and-effect conditionality between social processes, the formation and operation of social groups, the basic life needs of the population and the transformation of space and the formation of a certain cultural landscape.
Learning outcomes
Mastering the socio-geographic material and methodology of socio-geographic research, monitoring and understanding socio-geographic processes, developing geographic logic, developed geographic analysis skills and concrete application of scientific knowledge from the field of social geography in recognizing and guiding development processes, understanding and planning the needs of the population and arranging living space, i.e. cultural landscape. Application of acquired knowledge and skills in the planning process.
1. Development of social geography, socio-geographic schools and concepts. 2. Subject, tasks and methodology of modern socio-geographic research, correlation with other sciences. 3. Formation of social groups. Social groups and space. 4. Socio-geographic space, spatial forms and processes; Types of environment. 5. Rural society and space: characteristics, structure, social relations and groups. 6. Urban society - physical and social space. 7. Transformation of the socio-geographic space. Persistence and innovation. 8. Development of basic life needs at a certain level of socio-economic and cultural development - formation of socio-geographic space. 9. Planning the work and housing needs of the population. 10. Planning educational, cultural and health needs, supplying the population, rest and recreation. 11. Population migrations - causes and geospatial consequences. 12. The relationship between the city and its surroundings - social space and cultural landscape. 13. Planning regions and administrative areas as spatial and organizational forms of modern society. 14. The role of local communities in the formation of social space. 15. Management of development processes.
Teaching Methods
Lectures, field research, seminar paper and consultations. Lectures: interactive teaching.
  1. Ruppert K. i dr. (1981): Socijalna geografija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb (prevod). (Original title)
  2. Crkvenčić I. i Malić A. (1988): Agrarna geografija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb (pojedina poglavlja). (Original title)
  3. Vresk M. (2002): Grad i urbanizacija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb (pojedina poglavlja). (Original title)
  4. Mandić M. (2011): Sociogeografska istraživanja u funkciji planiranja razvoja, Zbornik radova, Treći kongres srpskih geografa, Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, str. 831-840. (Original title)
  5. Živković M. i Mandić M. (2012): Kulturni pejsaž u teoriji i praksi savremenih koncepcija, Glasnik sv. 16, Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, str. 61-74. (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Class attendance - 5 points; Colloquium – 20 points; Seminar paper (presentation) – 15 points; Oral exam - 60 points.
Specific remarks