Students encounter science
Scientific-professional gathering 'Students encountering science' (StES) with international participation is one of the most important activities realized by the Student Parliament of the University of Banja Luka.
StES takes place every year during the last week of November. Until now it has been successfully organized 8 times and over a thosand of young researchers from 14 countries participated.
The conference offers young scientists and researchers a challenging possibility to weigh their strengths within international framework and at the same time acquire new knowledge from their field of expertise.
Scientific-professional gathering 'Students Encountering Science' is of multidisciplinary character, so students have the opportunity to submit papers from six scientific fields of the first, second and third cycle (Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Science, Agriculture and Forestry, Social Sciences and Humanistic Sciences)
Aiming to offer students the access to science and technology, this gathering has the goal to promote scientific-research work of students, promote the scientific spirit of the academic community, enable the exchange of thoughts and ideas and to connect and bring together young sceientists from the country and abroad.
Over the past years, apart from students from the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, this event also gathered students form Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, India, Bulgaria, Italy and Malta.
More information regarding the scientific-professional gathering 'Students Encountering Science' can be found on the official website: http://stes.unibl.org