Recognition of foreign higher education qualifications
Recognitions of qualifications with the aim of continuing education: In the process of recognition of foreign higher education qualifications concerning continuing education at the University of Banja Luka, an evaluation of a foreign study program or a part of a study program is carried out with the aim of determining the right about continuing initiated higher education, i.e. the right about the inclusion in levels of higher education at a chosen study program at the University.
Recognition of foreign higher education qualification with the aim of continuing education is under the jurisdiction of Faculties/ Academy of Arts of the University in Banja Luka.
Recognition of qualifications with the purpose of employment: In accordance with the Law on Higher Education (''Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska'', no. 73/10, 104/11, 84/12, 108/13 and 44/15) , the recognition of foreign higher education qualification with the purpose of employment ( professional recognition) is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska.
Read more: http://www.vladars.net/sr-SP-Cyrl/Vlada/Ministarstva/mpk.