CEEPUS – exchange program
CEEPUS – exchange program
University of Banja Luka has participated in the CEEPUS program starting from the 2008/2009 academic year.
CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Program for University Studies became effective in 1995 and currently has 15 members: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Hungary, North Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Czech Republic.
Legal basis for CEEPUS is an international agreement signed by member countries which is open for accession.
CEEPUS is based on reliable governance. The highest body that issues all strategic decisions is the Joint Committee of Ministers which meets once a year.
Coordination, evaluation, development and promotion of the program are the main tasks of the Central CEEPUS Office. In addition, each country has a National CEEPUS Office responsible for the program implementation in that country.
There is no transfer of assets within CEEPUS, instead, there is the so-called international flow of “one scholarship per month”. Each country pays its own INCOMING students and professors and it must guarantee at least 100 monthly scholarships for each academic year. CEEPUS agreement also stipulates that these grants must be sufficient to cover the local costs of living.
Each country has different amounts of scholarships. For detailed information please visit www.ceepus.info.
In addition, each country covers participation of travel costs of OUTGOING students and professors.
The main activities within the CEEPUS program are realized within the sho-called university networks of operative joint programs which in ideal conditions will lead to joint diplomas. CEEPUS covers exchange grants for students and professors in described frameworks.
The main goals of CEEPUS are:
- Contributing to building the Europe and European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
- Using regional academic mobility as a strategic tool in implementation of Bologna goals