
MLS-5 - Participatory democracy in local self-government (MLS-5)

Course specification
Type of study Master academic studies
Study programme
Course title Participatory democracy in local self-government (MLS-5)
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
MLS-5 elective 1 3L + 2E 6.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
Learning objectives
The course starts from basic concepts such as the concept of democracy, its origin and development, and the basic forms of democracy. After general considerations, the subject focuses on the emergence and development of democracy in local communities and local self-governments, referring to the fundamental indicators of local democracy, such as the realization of human and minority rights in local self-government. After considering the modern forms of participatory democracy, the individual forms of direct democracy prevailing in our system of local self-government will be studied more thoroughly, namely: referendum and plebiscite; citizen initiative, assembly of citizens and local community, and public hearing. Bearing in mind the complexity of the domestic political system, the subject will also look at the model of consociative democracy with reflection on local self-government. Since the transparency model is increasingly present in modern public administration systems, access to information and proactive transparency at the local self-government level will also be studied.
Learning outcomes
Through the study of this subject, students will see the importance of democratic processes and participatory democracy in the local community for the functioning of the entire political system of a country. In a practical sense, students will have the necessary knowledge to be leaders of organizations and participants in democratic processes, planning and implementation of participatory democracy at the local level.
1. The concept, origin and development of democracy; 2. Forms of democracy; 3. Contemporary theories of democracy; 4. The emergence and development of democracy in local communities and self-governments; 5. Human and minority rights in local self-government; 6. Contemporary forms of participatory democracy in local self-government; 7. Referendum and plebiscite; 8. Civic initiative; 9. Assembly of citizens and local community; 10. Public discussion; 11. Consociative democracy and local self-government in complex societies and states; 12. Proactive transparency and access to information in local governments; 13. Participatory democracy and local self-government in BiH and RS; 14. Comparative presentation of participatory democracy in local self-governments; 15. Electoral systems and local elections.
Teaching Methods
The teaching will be conducted in the form of lectures, discussions on questions from the covered material and reading of assigned materials, as well as case analysis, debate and presentation of seminar papers.
  1. Nenad Kecmanović "Dometi demokratije", FPN, Čigoja štampa, Beograd, 2005. (Original title)
  2. Dejvid Held, "Demokratija i globalni poredak", Beograd, 1990. (Original title)
  3. Norberto Bobio, "Liberalizam i demokratija", Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 1995. (Original title)
  4. Snežana Đorđević, Priručnik za moderno upravljanje lokalnim ekonomskim razvojem, Dosije, Beograd, 2007. (Original title)
  5. Snežana Đorđević, Priručnik za uključivanje građana i civilnog društva u procese odlučivanja, Građanske inicijative, Beograd, 2011. 6. Zakon o lokalnoj samoupravi RS, Službeni glasnik RS, br. 97/2016, 36/2019 i 61/2021 . (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
First colloquium - preparation and defense of a seminar paper on a given topic - 20 points Second colloquium (test) – 20 points Attendance at lectures and active participation in classes - 10 points Oral exam from the entire subject - 50 points