
1C13POS717 - Rural geography

Course specification
Type of study Bachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course title Rural geography
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
1C13POS717 mandatory 5 2L + 2E 5.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
Without prerequisites. -
Learning objectives
Acquiring scientifically based and systematized geographical knowledge about rural areas, factors of origin and development of rural settlements and their characteristics. Acquiring knowledge about typological characteristics, structure and organization of village atars. Acquaintance of students with development problems and possibilities of complex valorization of the rural area of the Republic of Srpska with the aim of balanced and sustainable spatial development.
Learning outcomes
Adoption of constructive knowledge and their application in the valorization of rural space, establishment of more efficient spatial-functional organization and development of rural settlements and rural areas with the aim of their integration into modern development processes. Adoption of research methods and techniques of the settlement system and rural area for the purposes of drafting planning documents and the needs of planning practice.
1. Development of rural geography and research methodology. 2. Characteristics of rural settlements and rural space, indicators of allocation. 3. Natural and geographical factors of the development of rural settlements. 4. Socio-geographical factors of settlement development. 5. Geographical features of the settlement. 6. Typology of rural settlements. 7. The influence of modern socio-geographical processes on the transformation of rural settlements and rural areas space. 8. Displacement and disappearance of settlements; causes and geospatial consequences. 9. Village territories, structure and types of land in the function of development. 10. Types of rural households and property as a development factor. 11. Geographical-historical development and characteristics of the network of rural settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina (RS) and its surroundings. 12. Contemporary trends in the distribution and spatial-functional organization and structure of villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of Srpska) and the surrounding area. Isolation of problem areas. 13. Infrastructure in the function of spatial-functional integration of rural areas and village revitalization. 14. Strategy for the development of rural areas of the Republic of Srpska - access to rural areas. 15. Potentials, opportunities, limitations of the rural development of the Republic of Srpska. Rural area in documents and practices of the European Union.
Teaching Methods
Lectures, theoretical exercises, field-practical work, seminar work and consultations. Lectures and exercises: interactive teaching.
  1. Stamenković S., Bačević M. (1992). Geografija naselja, Geografski fakultet, Beograd (prvi dio knjige). (Original title)
  2. Stepić M., Jaćimović B. (2006). Osnovi agrarne geografije, Jantar grupa, Zemun (pojedina poglavlja). (Original title)
  3. Mandić M. (2015). Geoprostorne posljedice demografskog razvoja Republike Srpske u kontekstu promjena u naseobinskom sistemu, Zbornik radova Demografska politika u Republici Srpskoj. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske. Banja Luka. (Original title)
  4. Mandić M. (2019). Geografski aspekti ruralnog razvoja. Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske. Banja Luka, str. 1-204. (Original title)
  5. 5. Bubalo Živković, M., Ćurčić, S., Đerčan, B. (2021). Geografija naselja. Zavod za udžbenike. Beograd. (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Class attendance – 5 points; Colloquium – 20 points; Seminar paper (presentation) – 15 points; Oral exam – 60 points; Total –100 points.
Specific remarks