
N20-49 - Digital information systems

Course specification
Type of study Bachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course title Digital information systems
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
N20-49 mandatory 8 3L + 2E 7.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
According to the Study Rules of the first cycle of studies at the University of Banja Luka. Attendance at classes and exercises
Learning objectives
The content of the course is mainly focused on following the chronology of the development of digital media formats within the digitization process, with the intention of understanding the character of the epoch known as the "second media age", in which digital media platforms and digital communication infrastructure dominate.
Learning outcomes
Students will have the opportunity to learn to explain the most important media and information processes that determined the appearance and character of digital media and that essentially determined the potential of media and media systems in the digital age.
Development of the Internet and network society. Development of the World Wide Web (Web1.0; Web 2.0, Web 3.0 - semantic web). Visible and invisible web. Web and online media. Digitization process and digital culture. History and development of online media; Turkey and online media; internet and media system of Russia, online media in Germany, Italy and online media, online editions in France, online journalism in Republika Srpska. Typology of online editions. Characteristics of online media. Flash journalism. Online journalist and his competencies. Writing for online media. Website design and online search skills. Site optimization. Characteristics of the online audience. Communication capacity of information. Smartphones and mobile journalism. Visual communication and online journalism. Infographics. The local aspect of online journalism.
Teaching Methods
Teaching is realized in the form of lectures, presentations, exercises and independent student work
  1. Digital information systems
  2. 2. Manuel Kastels (2018). „Uspon mrežnog društva; informaciono društvo, ekonomija, društvo i kultura“. Beograd: Službeni glasnik. 3. Ričard Votson (2016). "Budući umovi" Beograd: Plato. (Original title)
  3. Preporučena dopunska literatura: 1. Pol Virilo; Silver Lotringer, (2015).„Sumračno svanuće“, Beograd: Službeni glasnik. 2. Charles Petzold, (2022). „Kod -skriveni jezik kompjuterskog hardvera i softvera“, Beograd. Kompjuterska biblioteka. 3. Katarina Kacer, (2019). „Sajberpsihologija“. Beograd. Laguna. 4. Maks Tegmark, (2020). „Život 3.0“. Beograd: Laguna. (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Colloquium 1 - 20 Colloquium 2 - 20 Final exam - 50 out of category Activity: 5 Attendance: 5 (outside the knowledge category)
Specific remarks