
OGS07GSZ - Railways superstructure

Course specification
Type of study Bachelor academic studies
Study programme
Course title Railways superstructure
Acronym Status Semester Number of classes ECTS
OGS07GSŽ elective 8 2L + 2E 5.0
Lecturer/Associate (practicals)
Prerequisite Form of prerequisites
Railways Passed exam
Learning objectives
Introduction to the superstructure of railways as well as technical conditions and standards that the elements of the superstructure of railways must meet. Mastering the methods of designing the superstructure of railways.
Learning outcomes
Ability to design modern structures of the railways superstructure in accordance with the requirements of modern railway systems.
The concept and elements of the construction of the railways superstructure: rails, fastening systems, sleepers, gravel ballast, solutions for the construction of tracks on a stiff surface. Rail joints. Dilatation devices in the track. Track accessories for increasing the stability of the track. Uninterrupted track with continuously welded rails: characteristics, technical conditions and laying technology, track arrangement in the direction and in the curve. Track solutions at bridges and in tunnels. Superstructure maintenance.
Teaching Methods
Lectures, exercises, site detour, consultations.
  1. B. Lichtberger: Handbuch Gleis, Unterbau, Oberbau, Instandhaltung, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Tetzlaff Verlag, 2003. (Original title)
  2. C. Esveld: Modern Railway Track, Second Edition, MRT-Productions, 2001. (Original title)
  3. Z.Popović:Kolosek na čvrstoj podlozi, Akademska misao, Beograd, 2010. (Original title)
Evaluation and grading
Class attendance, test paper and verbal exam
Specific remarks