Organized by the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Banja Luka, the 6th International Symposium on agricultural sciences and 22nd Conference of agricultural engineers of Republic of Srpska were held from 27 February to 02 March 2017 in Banja L...
News archive
6th International Symposium in agricurtural scieces AgroReS- Second call
University of Banja LukaGeneralThe 6th International Symposium on agricultural sciences and 22nd Conference of agricultural engineers of Republic of Srpska will be held from 27 February to 02 March 2017 in Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In attachment you c...
The deadline for submitting abstract for 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering- DEMI 2017 organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Banja Luka, has been extended to 27 Fe...
On 3rd February 2017, the Elea Company Ltd (Brcko District, Bosnia and Herzegovina) donated 867 books (594 titles), published by globally renowned printing houses, to the University, the ceremony taking place on the premises of the library of the Depar...
The Economic policies of small countries under the conditions of European integration conference organized at the Faculty of Economics
Science and developmentUniversity of Banja LukaGeneralOn the occasion of marking the 42nd anniversary of its establishment on February 7-8 2017, the Faculty of Economics organised a scientific conference whose topic was Economic policies of small countries under the conditions of European integration. ...
At the ceremony held on 6 February 2017, the 42nd anniversary of establishing the Faculty of Economics of the University of Banja Luka was marked, and BA and MA in Economics were promoted. Also, it was an occasion for the most important results achieve...
On 6 February 2017, at the ceremony held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Banja Luka, two important anniversaries were marked: 42 years of successful work of the Faculty and 57 years from beginning of stady and research of law sciences in Ban...
13th International Conference DEMI 2017- First call
Science and developmentUniversity of Banja LukaGeneral13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering- DEMI 2017, organized by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University of Banja Luka, will take place on 26 - 27 May 2017 in Banja Luka. The DEMI Conference ...
From 23rd to 25th November 2016, the 9th International Scientific and Expert Conference ’Student Encountering Science’ – StES 2016 was held in Banja Luka, organised by the Students’ Parliament of the University of Banja Luka. At the conference, ther...
The ceremony held on November 7 2016 at the National Theatre of the Republic of Srpska marked 41 years of the existence and successful work of the University of Banja Luka. It was an opportunity for everyone to be reminded of the results achieved at...
The ceremony held on November 7 2016 at the National Theatre of the Republic of Srpska marked 41 years of the existence and successful work of the University of Banja Luka. It was an opportunity for everyone to be reminded of the results achieved at...
The Memorandum of Understanding signed with the University of Technology and Education from Tianjin
University of Banja LukaGeneralAs a part of forming the Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Technology and Education from the city of Tianjin – TUTE, People’s Republic of China, and the Univers...
The promotion of PhDs and Honorary Doctor of the University of Banja Luka
University of Banja LukaGeneralOn November 8 2016, the ceremony was held for the promotion of the Honorary Doctor, Prof. Erik Frer from the Higher School of Economics and Management in Essen, and 30 Doctors of Philosophy who defended their theses at the faculties of our University. ...
The delegation of the University of Poitiers, comprised of Prof. Sanja Bošković-Danojlić, Head of Department of Slavic and Oriental Languages, Prof. Freiderikos Valetopoulos, Head of Department of French as a Foreign Language and Manager of Master Stu...
DigiVox team – the winner of the Start-up weekend in Novi Sad, Serbia
University of Banja LukaGeneralThe team of the DigiVox students’ company, which was developed and functions under the auspices of the University Entrepreneurship Centre of the University of Banja Luka, is the winner of the Startup weekend, held in Novi Sad, Serbia, at the end of Oct...
VI-SEEM: The 7th research EU project where the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of UNBL participates
University of Banja LukaGeneralThe Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Banja Luka for a year participate in the project VI-SEEM (VRE for Regional Interdisciplinary Communities in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean). It is the seventh RESEARCH project ...
The University of Banja Luka taking part at the 61th International Book Fair in Belgrade
University of Banja LukaGeneralThe University of Banja Luka presented its publishing activity at the 61st International Book Fair in Belgrade held on October 20-23, 2016. As in previous years, The University presented its most representative publications at the stand of the Repre...
The Storage of the First Gene Bank Collection Samples into the Svalbard Global Seed Vault
University of Banja LukaGeneralThe Institute of Genetic Resources of the University of Banja Luka has stored on October 18 th, 2016 the first samples from its gene bank collection into the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, located in Norway. The Government of the Kingdom of Norway has ...
Rector Milan Mataruga and Vice-Rector Biljana Antunovic at the official visit in China
University of Banja LukaGeneralRector of the University of Banja Luka, Prof. Dr Milan Mataruga, and Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Biljana Antunovic, were in an official visit in People's Republic of China from October 10th to 15th, participating in many activi...
The 9th international scientific conference ,,Students Encountering Science-StES2016” will be held from the 23rd to the 25th November 2016, at the University of Banja Luka. Students Encountering Science-StES with international participation is the ...
The 9th international scientific conference ,,Students Encountering Science-StES2016” will be held from the 23rd to the 25th November 2016, at the University of Banja Luka. Students Encountering Science-StES with international participation is the ...
The 6th Congress of the Department of Management of the SEE countries and Scientific Conference
University of Banja LukaGeneralThe 6th Congress of the Department of Management of the SEE countries was held at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka on October 7th/8th 2016. It was organized by the University of Banja Luka and the University of Mostar, and hosted by...
Organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka and the Association of Lawyers of the Republic of Srpska, on October 7th/8th, 2016 was held the 13th International Conference of Lawyers “October Legal Days”. The theme of the Conference wa...
A Professor at Faculty of Law, at University of Chile, from Santiago, Prof. Juan Pablo Mañalich, an expert for human rights and criminal law, and a representative of the Directorate for Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Salinas ...
The first joint academic class for freshmen at the University of Banja Luka
University of Banja LukaGeneralFor the first time, joint academic class for freshmen from all faculties of the University of Banja Luka was held on October 3rd, 2016. At the academic class, held in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Political Sciences in the presence of current...