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Information from the 37th Rectors’ Conference of the Republic of Srpska

University of Banja LukaGeneral

At the session of the Rectors’ Conference of the Republic of Srpska, held on 4 February 2022, Rector of the Pan-European University "Apeiron" Prof. Sanel Jakupović, PhD, was elected the chairperson of this body for the next two years. 

During the session held in the premises of the Rectorate of the University of Banja Luka, Rector of the University of East Sarajevo Prof. Milan Kulić, PhD, was elected the vice-president of the Conference. At the 37th session, it was decided that Jelena Davidović would be performing the function of the Secretary General to the Rectors' Conference of the Republicof Srpska. As decided, Maja Dujaković will be the administrative and technical officer of the Rectors’ Conference of the Republic of Srpska in the next two years, while Ljubiša Tomić will be in charge of financial affairs.

Members of the Rectors’ Conference considered the Financial Statement of the Rectors’ Conference for 2021. They also talked about organizing a round table in which the following members would take part: Rectors’ Conference of the Republic of Srpska, Rectors' Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Conference of the Universities of Serbia (CONUS).


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