
Rules for Studying

In the academic year 2007/08, the University of Banja Luka started implementing the Bologna process in all study programmes. A three-cycle study system was adopted along with the ECTS system and total study load (European Credit Transfer System).

To facilitate studies and increase exam pass rates, curricula were organized into single-semester course units, with segmented testing, in the form of midterm and end-term exams, tests, seminar papers, project assignments etc.

The study programmes are divided into academic years and semesters. In accordance with the principles of ECTS, the scope of the study programme is 60 ECTS points in one study year, that is, 30 ECTS points in one semester. One point constitutes the study load of 30 hours of work. The number of points for a particular subject is determined according to the number of teaching hours (theoretical or practical, exercises, seminars, etc.) and the time for studying while preparing for the knowledge test and assessment (tests, midterm and end-term exams / written knowledge tests, final exams).

In accordance with the Law, the Statute and the Statute of the relevant University member, three-year and four-year studies of the first cycle valued at 180 ECTS points, i.e. 240 ECTS points, as well as one-year or two-year studies of the second cycle valued at 60 ECTS points, i.e. 120 ECTS points are conducted at the University.

Furthermore, integrated six-year studies of Medicine and Dental Medicine, valued at 360 ECTS points, and integrated five-year studies of Pharmacy, valued at 300 ECTS points, are conducted at the University.

Second cycle studies together with first cycle studies are valued at 300 ECTS points.

Third-cycle studies, or equivalent studies, last for three years and have a scope of at least 180 ECTS, with a previously achieved scope of studies of at least 300 ECTS in the first and second cycle studies.

For more information, see the Rules for Studying in the first and second cycle of studies.


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